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Are You Keeping Pace with Developments in Leave Management?

Let’s face it. Managing employee leave isn’t the most glamorous aspect of HR or workforce management. But it’s certainly among the most challenging. The legal and regulatory backdrop to leave management is complex, and it varies based on factors that range from where you do business to the size of your company. You feel as if the rules are ever-changing. It’s like doing business in an amusement park fun house; it’s a challenge to keep your footing, hard to know if what you’re seeing is real, and difficult to get a firm hold on the rail to help lead you through the maze.

Self Service in Absence Management – The 100 Foot View

*This week’s blog post is brought to you by Optis’ Business Analyst, [David Spring](* As you can imagine, the sunsets over the Rocky Mountains are quite picturesque. Depending upon ones vantage point the view is more gorgeous; oftentimes, the more beautiful, the further from the mountains. In a similar manner, self-service associated with leave of absence benefits and entitlements like disability, workers’ compensation and FMLA are likely experienced differently depending upon the viewpoint of the employee.

From Sea to Shining Sea: A Look at the Diverse Landscape of Less-noticed Leaves

Complicated leave laws can create some rough waters and increase your risk of noncompliance, reduced productivity, and employee disengagement. We have taken a lot of the guesswork out of managing the diverse leave laws you face in each state today with our latest e-book, [“From Sea to Shining Sea: A Look at the Diverse Landscape of Less-noticed Leaves.”]( Consider this your go-to handbook. You’ll be navigating your state’s leave laws in no time with our help.

Navigating the Land of Blood Donation Leave

World Blood Donor Day is this Saturday, June 14. This year, The World Health Organization (WHO) has established the theme of “Safe blood for saving mothers” to help generate awareness surrounding the importance of having timely access to blood donation. Worldwide, the number of deaths related primarily to blood loss is staggering. Here are some other facts about blood donation from the [American Red Cross]( + Every two seconds someone in the U.S.
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